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​ Terrae motus praedictio sunt.

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GU INSTITUTE OF EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION(GUIEP) is a non-profit organization focusing on earthquake prediction.

Dozens of scientists and hundreds of volunteers from all over the world are actively engaged in the research of earthquake prediction and the education of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction.

Machu Pichu


  • To solve earthquake prediction, one of the top 10 scientific difficulties in the world, in three years.

  • To establish new earthquake precursory observation networks in those key areas with high-risk of occurring disaster earthquakes.

  • Accuratly predict large earthquakes using three parameters (Time, Location and Magnitude)

​Earth motus causa 35.8 billions USD pereunt anno

Terrae motus inter calamitates communes sunt communes. Sicut hodierna pestis covid-19, terrae motus perniciosus non distinguit inter fines nationales, culturas, genus vel sexum et damna ingentis vitae et proprietatis humanae affert. Sed differentia est quod pandemicus tantum semel in tot annis venit, et phisici ex toto orbe statim movere possunt ad vaccinum explicandum et remedium ad pugnandum. Sed quid de terrae motibus? Seismologi amet in mundo hodierno terrae motus inopinabiliter fieri credunt, nisi quadam probabilitate eveniunt. Hoc sensu est quasi epidemiologi evolutionem sanationis pandemiae tradiderunt. Magis)

Allocutio ad Prof. Jicheng GU / Fundatoris & Magistro Scientist GUIEP, 2020-11-19


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Earthquake Channel
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The biggest Earthquake (M 9.5, Chile 1960) ever recorded by human being
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Tsunami Forecast Model Animation: Chile 1960
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【台灣NEXT 全集】近期地震頻傳!專家預警 大震可能來襲!|葉雲炫 潘郁文 楊尚仁 房業涵 李樺仙 20220219
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智利9.5级超级地震|又稱為瓦爾迪維亞大地震,發生在當地時間1960年5月22日下午3點11分。是人類史上觀測記錄到規模最大的地震|#iLife小品生活 #地震
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