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​Membres du conseil



​Prof. Jicheng GU

​Physicist, Geophysicist, Seismologist

  • Geophysicist, Seismologist mainly focuses on physics of earthquake source parameters and earthquake prediction (theoretical & site studies) since 1966 Xingtai Earthquake.

  • Graduated from Peking University Physics/Geophysics in 1966, and then worked at the Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences until 1980; 

  • Brown University ( Div. of Engineering, Fracture Mechanics, and its application of earthquake source parameters, worked with Prof. J.R.  Rice, Harvard University(Div. of Applied Sciences, Fracture Mechanics, and its application of earthquake source parameters - worked with Prof. Rice and MIT Dept of Earth & Planetary Sciences with Prof. K. Aki as a visiting scholar, research scientist.

  • In 1979, developed a theoretical model of Porous Cork and Crustal Crack Stable  Propagation Model  (PC-SPCC Model) that uniformly and comprehensively explained all the observed precursory anomalies of earthquakes.

Prof. Zhuo LU.png

​Prof. Zhuoli LUO


  • Graduated from Peking Univ. in 1966.

  • Director of the Sichuan Seismological Provincial Bureau,  on site for more than 30 years, and as the chief of the Center for Earthquake Prediction, China State Seismological Bureau for 20 years,  


​Prof. Youming LI

​Physicist, Geophysicist, Seismologist

  • Graduated from the Department of Physics, Peking University in 1963.  

  • Worked in the Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  

  • Engaged in theoretical geophysics, solid geophysics, and petroleum exploration geophysics for a long time and has made great contributions.

  • He is also the founder of China’s high-speed railway seismology.  


​Prof. Yu Jeffery GU

Physicist, Geophysist

  • Tenured Professor at Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Canada. Geophysicist, Seismologist.  

  • Ph.D. from Harvard University under the Supervision of Prof. Adam Dzewonski, a world-renowned seismologist, in 1992.

  • Post Doctorate at Columbia University   


​Prof. Qigu LU

​Geophysist, Seismologist

  • Worked at Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starting from observation of the first seismic station in China, Pinfengtai,

  • A renowned expert in seismic network layout, instrumentation and communication.  


​Prof. Keren LIU


  • Graduated from Dept. of Physics/Geophysics, Peking Univ. in1958.  

  • Worke at the Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  


​Prof. Haoding GU

​Geophysicist, Seismologist

  • Gauduated from the Department of Geophysics of Peking University (major in solid state physics) in 1966.  

  • Entered the Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  


​Prof. Cantao ZHUANG

​Geophysicist, Seismologist

  • Gauduated from the Department of Geophysics of Peking University in 1966.   The General Engineer of China State Seismological Bureau  


​Prof. Sihua ZHENG

​Geophysicist, Seismologist

  • Graduated from the Dept of Geophysics of Peking University in 1966, and has a Ph.D. in Science from Tohoku University in Japan in 1984.  

  • The deputy director of Center of Earthquake Research & Prediction of China State Seismological Bureau.

  • Former Deputy Director of the Analysis and Prediction Center, State Seismological Bureau of China.  


​Prof. Guohua FAN

​Geophysicist, Seismologist

  • Graduated from the Dept of Geophysics of Peking University in 1966.

  • Worked at the Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences on research of earthquake prediction geomagnetism.


​Prof. Fusheng WEI


Dr. Haijiang LI

​Geophysicist, Seismologist

  • Graduated from Dept of Physics, Shandong University in 1975.  

  • Worked at The Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.   

  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering(2014, Kyushu University, Japan), postdoctoral Fellow (2016, Tsinghua University). His research direction is tribology and lubrication technology. As the first author, he has published 9 SCI and EI papers, applied for 2 invention patents, and participated in 2 national key research and development projects. Currently, he is a member of The Friction Society of China, a technical expert and senior engineer of CRRC.

​Specialist of Lubrication



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